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No. 36 Feasibility of teleworking

Share of employed population whose job is feasible for alternating home-based telework

Base: All persons employed, weighted column percentages
Questions: E9a
Source: SIBIS GPS 2002, SIBIS GPS-NAS 2003

Under the assumption that they would have to spend at least one full working day per week teleworking from home, 32% of all EU workers regard their job as feasible for this type of alternating telework, 15 times the number of workers who already telework for at least one day per week. This indicates that the principal interest expressed in telework is to a considerable extent not being translated into actual telework practice yet although jobs are regarded as being feasible for telework. Reasons quoted for jobs not being feasible for telework include the need for face-to-face contacts with others, access to machines or other things which cannot be accessed from home, and companies or superiors not approving of telework.

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